Spedizione Rapida e Gratuita in Italia da € 99
Return methods and costs
You can make a return no later than the 14th day after receiving the order.
We inform you that the costs for returning the product (regardless of the exchange or refund option chosen) are your responsibility and are not refundable under any circumstances, while we will take care of shipping the indicated exchange or refunding the returned items. within 14 days and the corresponding amount will be credited in the same way you made the purchase.
Please note: Returns without receipt, damaged or altered will be refused and not refunded.
For orders paid on delivery (paid in cash to the courier), customers must indicate the current account or PayPal address to which they wish to receive credit.
You can also return your order to one of our Luigi Fusaro Stores by bringing with you the receipt that you will find inside the order, without which you will not be able to make the return.
Before going to the Store, if you are an UNREGISTERED USER , we invite you to send communication via email to our dedicated address: customercare@fusarogold.com
If you are a REGISTERED USER : Log in to your account, in the "order history and details" section, click on the details item of your order, fill in the goods return field and ship the products within a short time of receipt. While in the product return section you can check its status.